मेरा आठवाँ प्रकाशन / MY Seventh PUBLICATIONS

मेरा आठवाँ प्रकाशन  / MY Seventh PUBLICATIONS
मेरे प्रकाशन / MY PUBLICATIONS. दाईं तरफ के चित्रों पर क्लिक करके पुस्तक ऑर्डर कर सकते हैंं।

बुधवार, 4 सितंबर 2024

List of my books with MRP


List of my Book list with MRP


1.   Dasha aur Disha.                   Poetry, short stories articles.                       रु. 250    

      Best seller at publisher

2.   Man Darpan, 2017                poetry                                             Rs. 175       

                                                      Till then my best poetry

3.  Hindi Pravah aur Parivesh                             रु. 250          Liked by Hindi readers

  Articles on Hindi language.

 4.   Antas Ke Moti,2019                       Stories.                                    Rs.300      

 5.    Guldasta             Articles on publication and journalism.         Rs 250

 6.   Ose ki boonden, 2021                      Poetry                                   Rs. 250          

 7.   Hindi Sujhav Aur vimarsh       Articles for learning and                               

Suitable to Hindi students teaching Hindi and teachers as well.                              

Highly appreciated by Hindi teachers and students.

8.    Bikhare Suman,2023                                      Rs. 250

Extension of firstPublication Dasha aur Disha

 9.   4M – Mini Matters                Episodes as short stories               Rs. 200          

  Matter More, 2023 Adopted by FLAME University, Pune for Industrial Relation subject for MBA (HR) final year students in session 2023-24 (In English Language

10.     4M2 – Mini Matters      Episodes as short stories               Rs. 250       

          Matter More,                   (In 2023English Language)                                         

    Part -2. 2024      Adopted by FLAME University, Pune for Industrial Relation subject for MBA (HR) final year students in session 2024 (In English Language 

 Serial. 1-8  are in Hindi and 9n-10 are in English.  

  Books in pipeline for publishing :-

 1.  Understand, Learn and Play Carrom -  For carom learners and players with guidance.

2.  Telugu translation of my book - Antas ke Moti.

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